I got a surprise a few weeks ago… my manager at Quest called and just said “Hey Sean, your last day is next Friday… (blah blah blah)… do you have any questions?”. I said “no” and hung up. I wrote Big Brother – the first web-based Systems and…
What a great few years this has been. I’ve always had a machine or 10 online. Initially, we had to go out and find someone willing to allow us to put one of our machines in their facility, so we could have it online. It was Co-location. It was exp…
I had SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and brutal Montreal winters guaranteed that by February, I’d be in a black pit. I really really didn’t want to take anti-depressants, and looked for another solution. I learned that the Inuit got SAD when t…
If I read one more “kill software patents” article, I’m going to puke. Joel’s is the latest: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117114202722218150209/posts/4GgaRiSyaTf Here are his 5 points: Elimination of software patents Legal fees paid by the loser in…
I do Standup Comedy. I don’t know how many patent-holding, unix-guru comedians there are out there, but I suspect I may be in a very small minority. I’ve made millions of dollars. I’ve sent millions of dollars to money heaven, with the help of the…
You don’t want to be an inventor. Really, you don’t. It’s sort of like being a crack addict with ideas, but it’s way more expensive. I’ve got 2 patents granted (see linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bbunix ), and 7 more pending… These days a …
[Updated 22 feb 2012 – updated and clarified process] I need space. Lots of space. Like an amazon S3 amount of space, spread out over a pile of little linux machines running Ubuntu. My cloud is made up of many cheap VPS providers, some costing as …